Alien Puppet

It’s Out of this World! The ALIEN has LANDED!
This crazy puppet is 38″ from top of his funny eyes to the bottom of his tentacles.
HIs face and hands are airbrushed latex. His mouth is lined with fabric and padded with foam inside for a great fit.
Eyes can be Animated by your fingers!
He attaches to the Flying Saucer by built-in Magnets!
Metal Flying Saucer is 13″ wide x 6″ tall and has Green Steady LED Lights around the edge and under the bottom with a Battery Pack and a switch in the back. You can manually blink the lights if desired. (Requires 3 AA Batteries not included). Magnets are Built-In and hold the Alien in place!
Just $499.95 for the Alien.
Be one of the FIRST to have the ALIEN in your Show!
Note – We can also make legs instead of tentacles for your alien if you prefer. Let us know when ordering. Email Customer Service.
What our customers have to say
VOICE IDEAS for Non-Ventriloquists
Do “Gibberish” like the Minions on Despicable Me. You can do a lot of gibberish without moving your mouth.
Eeee – OOOoo – Ohhh- KeeeKeee TaaaTaaaa, etc.
Here Colin Dymond uses the Wildthing to demonstrate
Communicating with Gibberish or Nonsense Verbablizations
More Voice Ideas:
” Great thought for a non-vent… You could make him speak (whatever noises you can make) into a mic connected to a box. The box has LEDs etc flashing and is a Universal Translator Device, then what he said is just played back thru your PA System from your iPad or iPhone using a handy remote control…….Haha, or have him talk into the iPhone and Siri doesn’t understand what he’s saying!!” Gary Dunn
There are also voice changing apps you can get for your iPhone or Droid that you could use to record and change your voice into something very ALIEN!
Steve Petra and Pete Michaels trying out voices at Vent Haven ConVENTion
3 Ideas from Dov Citron
“I’ve had a few ideas for using the Alien in conjunction
with other Axtell products.”
Use ‘Off the Meter’ to measure increasing ‘Star Dust’ levels as the Alien arrives from Outer
Use ‘Mic Mouth’ in front of the Aliens mouth as a translation device for your audience.
Use the Axtell drawing board to make contact with the Alien before his arrival. Draw his face and ask him how far away he is and when in the show we can expect his arrival and then return to the drawing board a few times for updates before you bring him out for real. Great way of building up anticipation.
– Dov Citron

Songs about Aliens and Space – Get ideas from the Lyrics and Videos
I’m Blue (Da Ba Dee) – Eiffel 65
Martian Hop – The Ran Dells
Two Little Men in a Flying Saucer – Ella Fitzgerald
We’re Not Alone – Nas
It Came Out of the Sky – Creedance Clearwater Revival
E.T. – Katy Perry
I’ve Seen the Saucers – Elton John
Doctorin’ the Tardis – The Timelords / KFL
Lovin’ the Alien – David Bowie
Calling Occupants Of Interplanetary Craft – Klaatu
Aliens – Dr. Octagon
The Orb – Blue Room
The Purple People Eater – Sheb Wooley
Hangar 18 – Megadeth
Mr. Spaceman – The Byrds
Aliens Exist – Blink 182
Books About UFO’s Husker Du
Startrip Trooper – YES
Waiting for the UFO’s – Graham Parker
Joke ideas from Axtell Power User – Tony Borders:
“Earthlings weren’t friendly when I first landed! One shot me right between the eyes!”
Alien: Take me to your leader.
You: She doesn’t get off work for another hour.
Call volunteer up. A: I can read your mind! Look into my eyes (then have eyes go in odd directions). Are you looking into my eyes?
Alien: We come in peace. We only wish one thing from earth.
You: Only one thing? What would that be?
Alien: Your atmosphere. (air or water for younger crowd)
Are you an alien? A: No. I’m a movie extra for Star Trek 3.
Vent: I notice that you have legs that are quite different from a humans. Are you born with those? Alien: Well, I have had them since I was just a little squid.
Vent: What is your native language. Alien: I adapt. I can speak the language of whatever person is holding me. Vent: Fluently? Alien: I have a little trouble with the lip letters.
Vent: Where are you from? Alien: I come from (hack, cough, sputter).
Vent: Where?
Alien: I come from (hack, cough, sputter sounds).
Vent: I don’t quite understand.
Alien: I’m from LOS ANGELES!
More Joke Ideas Darin Doodle Baughman
“Forget your leader! Take me to GEORGE LUCAS!!”
“Ugg! My tenticles are KILLIN’ me!”