Magic Drawing Board Ideas
The Axtell Magic Drawing Board
One of the Most Innovative, Exciting Illusions in Years!
“Steve, I would like the time to thank you for a great reputation maker. About 8-10 months ago, I purchased the magic drawing board and 3 AxTrax and just preformed the Art-O-Matic for the first time last month. The people that I preformed for was grateful for the show and have received more calls on doing other shows just because of your product. Again, THANK YOU and keep up the good workmanship!!”
Michael D. Frisbee Jr.
Standard Size Board 14 x 17″
“The Axtell Drawing Board looks like real magic! You simply must try it ! ”
David Ginn, Magician / Author
(Mickey Mouse, Fred Flintstone or even someone in audience!)

Now that was easy….but then something strange begins to happen…

“Just wanted to let you know that your promo statements about the Axtell Drawing Board were right on the money. Used it for the first time this past weekend at a concert. The reaction from the “kids” (both young and old) was phenominal! The moving eyes got them fired up but when he began to talk…well, let’s just say I had their undivided attention…An excellent teaching tool! Thanks for another quality product.”
Steve Toegel
Ungimmicked Board
Eye Drawing Tutorial
More great info from user Curt Gunz!