Off The Meter
Off the Meter is the ultimate warm up device, guaranteed to get your audience PUMPED up to a 10 with excitement! It can be used as an applause meter, IQ meter, Fun-Meter, anything! The needle is totally under your control at all times….you can manipulate the results for fantastic comedy and magical results! This is one of those “must have” props for any show. – $299.95 plus shipping –
What our customers have to say
Customize your own Label.
If you want to add a title or something other than our numbers to your label, you can create your own label on the computer with these templates. Take your final creation to a quick printer because they are over sized. These are JPG images. You will have to know how to use an image editor like MS Paint, Photoshop or Gimp.
(right click the links below to download and save the images).
Label With Numbers
Label Without Numbers
Broken Label with Numbers
Broken Without Numbers