Bubbles the Sea Monster Puppet

Bubbles the Sea Monster by Axtell Expressions
Sea Monster Puppet 1

Bubbles the Sea Monster is a BEAUTIFUL colorful Puppet!

He’s a BLAST to use, because Bubbles squirts water! He loves Bubbles and loves to POP them! Complete with handpainted Scales, Aquatic Ears that have feathers that flow as he moves “underwater”, and an optional Squirt System! If you want a smaller water solution, check out the Super Sprayer below.

He’s $499.95 without the Squirter System, and we can install our professional Squirter System for $199.95. It is the same as we use in our Elephant Puppet! Won’t Leak!

Axtrax Pre-recorded routines
Check Out Our Axtrax Routines

Make Your Own Bubble Machine Display

Items Used to Make this Bubble Display

Gazillion Bubbles Hurricane -$15

FCS 4″ USB Computer Fan – $9

Tenergy Power Bank – $20

Artwork Free Download (Save it to your computer)

I used shortrunposters.com here to print it
Order 18×24″ Poster in Matt on 3/16″ Foam Core- $18

Dusty Dragon Animation Bubbles & Dusty…..NOT SO DISTANT COUSINS?
Bubbles the Sea Monster looks a lot like our Dusty the Dragon.
Could they be used in the same show…even related?

The BUBBLE SONG © Steve Axtell
Download Mp3 here or from your confirmation Email. IN order to download, your Browser must be set to not automatically play Mp3s.

Bu Bu Bubbles, Bu Bu Bubbles
Take away all of my Trou-bu-bu-bubbles
Ocean’s of Bu Bu Bubbles
Floating up *from Under the Sea
(and Tickling me)

Bubbles the Sea Monster Art by Axtell Expressions

Sea Monster Balloons Nifty

The beautiful Balloon Displays in the video were created by
David and Shana Brenion of NIFTY BALLOONS.

How do they do that stuff? Check out their Tutorial Videos!